The North Carolina Boat Building Heritage Foundation, with major support from Atlantic Veneer and Jarrett Bay Boatworks, is proud to celebrate ten years of the Beaufort National Boatbuilding Challenge on Saturday, May 6, 2017. Their mission to preserve the long-standing traditions of wooden boat construction in Carteret County and to promote the highly useful carpentry skills needed in boat construction are what led to the formation of this annual challenge which is held simultaneously with the N.C. Maritime Museum’s Wooden Boat Show.
During this one-day challenge, eighteen teams compete head-to-head to build a 12-foot Carolina Bateau rowing skiff in less than four hours. Each team is judged on speed of build along with craftsmanship and seaworthiness. With each team’s build score, a winner is determined after a competitive rowing race through Taylor’s Creek utilizing the boats each team built. The top three teams will receive cash prizes and be named the winners of the Beaufort Challenge and also qualify for the national championship. Additionally, the Jarrett Bay Boatworks Excellence in Craftsmanship award is given to the best overall quality boat built. This $500 cash prize matches that of the award given to the overall winner of the event.
The challenge is filled with excitement for the gathering crowds and anxious moments for the boatbuilding teams rushing to complete their projects before testing them in the rowing challenge. This event brings one of the largest crowds to the Beaufort waterfront each year with spectators enjoying the spring weather and speedy craftsmanship of the boatbuilding teams.
Proceeds from the Beaufort National Boatbuilding Challenge are used to provide two full 1-year scholarships to deserving students for attendance at Carteret Community College enrolled in their Marine Technologies program and Cape Fear Community College enrolled in their Wooden Boat and Boat Manufacturing Programs. Additionally, the proceeds benefit West Carteret, East Carteret and Croatan High Schools’ boat building classes by providing all necessary materials for instruction.
Get more information now about becoming a particpant or spectator for the Beaufort National Boatbuilding Challenge.