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To whom it may concern, just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know what a great experience we had at your facility. I was delivering a 53 Sunseeker to Palm Beach when we began having an RPM issue. Knowing it to be fuel related we made arrangements to stop at your yard for a quick filter change. Just north of your marina we began to have additional problems. We had to drop anchor in the channel just south of the bridge. Your dock master Bill was very responsive and sent a skiff out to get us to the yard. We were able to get one engine and the bow thruster working again and were able to limp down to the marina. But just wanted to let you know how professional your staff reacted to our troubles. I would only hope my staff would react in this manner.


Steven W. Grace
Dock Master / General Manger
The Yacht Basin Co.
Annanpolis, MD.