
Just wanted to thank you and the JB team again for the great work during the Hanna haulout, and the service done while Ma’ately Crew was out. As I indicated, I’d had a problem with my depth transducer since delivery of the boat 18 months ago. From my return to the marina, it appears that you found a location for the transducer that solved my problems. As discussed, she’d always gone off-line at 2700 rpm; yesterday I took her to the wall at 3350, and the read held for the entire trip.

Please convey my appreciation for all the help to Bruce Morrison, Kendra and your team. While I never look forward to haulouts or service, I’m very glad to know ya’ll are there when I need you.

Great work, and thanks again!

Barry, Ma-ately Crew, 42 Silverton

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