Captain Walt Kuhn invited me along yesterday for a trip to the deep, on his boat the Kirsten, a Jarrett Bay express (awesome fishing machine!!). My friend Capt B. runs the cockpit and we were joined by Capt Walt’s brother Dan. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, we ran to 500 fathoms in the Poorman’s at 30 kts. We set the spread and a little while into the troll we ran into a school of Yellowfin, these guys were hungry, 3 knockdowns resulted in two keepers (about 20-30lbs). Then around 10am, Capt B. spots the white checking out our spread. The white went for the teaser, and Capt Walt pulled it away, that just pissed em off! So he went for the big squid and I pulled that away, now he was really ticked! So Capt B dropped a dink right on his nose and he ate it, and game on! Then Dan got to fight his first White (between 50-60lbs), some nice jumps and some pictures, then we released him to fight again another day. All in all, a great trip, Dan caught his first offshore fish a Yellowfin and a White. Thanks Captains Walt and B, it was great time and I learned a lot, and congrats Dan.

I’ll post the pics as soon as I get them!

Chuck Hinchcliffe, Guest
Kirsten – 41′ Jarrett Bay

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